Human Resources

Pillars of operational management​

Details of the training

image_Pillars of operational management​
Pillars of operational management​
4 to 8 participants
Online training
Duration: 7 hours (1 day)
Contact us
900 € excl. tax per person, excluding individual interview
Video-conference training, adapted to people with disabilities
Access time after registration: 1 month.
Alternative theoretical and practical means with case studies and analysis tools.
Evaluation: tests and quizzes throughout the training
In-company training: contact us

General aim of training

To identify the fundamental basis of operational management

To define and to apply the pillars of operational management

To analyse interns’ managerial practices

To implement an action plan and a follow up plan




Management storytelling – from Taylor to Douglas Murray McGregor

  • Definition of management
  • Historical explanation and open discussion about perception of management

The manager’s role

  • Practical case study to highlight Maslow’s theory (privileged third parties)


The fundamental pillars of management

  • Vision (to set the reference framework and the objectives for my collaborator)
  • Relationship (sociogram and mind map of the relationships with my team)
  • Coherence (to know how to keep a collaborator on track and to put them back on track)
  • Requirement (behavioural and operational requirements)
  • Steering collaborators’ competencies (GPEC, yearly professional review and Talent Review)


Management aim

  • Performance equation, environment, motivations, competencies


Analysis of your managerial habits

  • Use of SWOT analysis tool
  • Pooling and co-construction of a personalised action and support plan



Operational manager.



No degree or certificate required

To have a minimum awareness of management.